Up with the sun, up with the anchor, up with the sails. I depart the fabulous anchorage that was so welcoming last night. The wind is right but light out of the north east. Clear of the bay and out on the lake I can see a wind line building and coming this way from the southwest. It was not unexpected, just earlier than I had hoped. Ten miles from the anchorage my stern wind died and was replaced with yet another strong headwind. Rather than fight it with endless tacks and little progress I head toward small cape offering a lee to the wind and waves. It lies across a shallow sandy shoal of 8 feet. I’ve crossed shallower. At 1000 or so, I anchor and wait at Latitude 53° 30’ 20.0” N ~ Longitude 59° 11’ 28.3” W in 14 feet of water.
By 1400 the wind has slackened and I venture out around the point into the main body of the lake and hoist the sails. By making a long sweeping starboard tack can gain 1 mile for ever 2.5 I sail closer to my goal of Goose Bay. Thunderstorms are predicted for tomorrow night and the storm of last year on Goose Bay is still fresh on my mind so I press on.
The wind backs ever so slightly and ever so slowly and I’m able to curl around the point and come into Kenamu Bay to anchor at Latitude 53° 30’ 20.0” N ~ Longitude 059° 55’ 44.8” W in 26 feet of water.

My last Lake Melville sunset