Happy Valley-Goose Bay

My plans to store the CAP’N LEM are coming together. I’ve been ashore now twice. The main body of the town is a ways away so I rented a car. The first few miles or kilometers as they use here were taken pretty slow. Coming off the sea has always made the adjustment to any traffic a little strange for me. It’s not too bad here though with only two stop lights.

The people are friendly and so helpful. I’ve located storage and a trailer. I only need to fill in the middle with a truck. The week end has hampered that, but it will work itself out. I simply make my needs known without being pushy about it and people respond. What a wonderful way to live.

It’s very obvious I’m a stranger here (I talk funny) but I feel a kinship with people who live in remote places. They have a natural adventurous spirit. I’ve experienced it in places like Tasmania and Australia, Alaska and all over Canada and of course all along the track of this trip. It helps to not be in a hurry.

I have to row my rubber raft to shore. I make sure I take the air pump with me as the leaks have only gotten worse. A few strokes on the pump and I’m ready to go. I’m reminded of an old Pete Sellers movie where he masqueraded as a “salty old seadog” with an inflatable parrot he had to continuously pump up. The things one thinks of when on the water!

More to follow.

My Inflatable Parrot

My Inflatable Parrot

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