Departing Nain THE CAP’N LEM headed north through the route to the west of Aulatsivik island passing through the First Rattle and the Second Rattle. Labrador has a way with words when describing passages and channels. Rattles and Tickles! I want to sail them all! But the Siren call of the Northwest Passage is strong and the time is now. Each day becomes more and more important. Once clear of Port Manvers on the north side of the Island I’ll be in the open Sea of Labrador.
It’s a slow go through the Rattles even with the current with me. No wind. I never overload the little engine just to make an extra knot. She has to last a long long time. So far, she has never failed to start. Even when I ran the battery down once, she started on the first pull of the cord.

Waterfalls north of Port Manvers
Though time is precious, the trip this way was more than worth it. After the First Rattle, I spied my first Inukshuk, the little stone guardian of the traveling Inuit people. At the Second Rattle, there were more, a good reminder this is an old land belonging to a proud and honorable people. I sail through admiring the beauty of waterfalls and cascades, the likes I have never seen before. I feel as though I have sailed through a great church.

One big Iceberg
Friday night, I spend underway in a calm sea with light southerly wind pushing me 2 knots. I see a ship of in the distance and check my radar on the 8 mile scale. Yes, she’s there. That’s comforting. The radar had given me some trouble a few days ago but Ken and I opened her up to discover the drive belt to the antenna had just come off. Two days running and no problem.

First Fur Seals
Saturday is glorious in sunshine and warmth, like a Puget Sound summer day, except there are ice bergs and snow on the islands. It won’t last, but it is here now. I use the calm to harvest ice from a giant of a berg grounded in 400 feet of water. All around are berg bits and I get a chance to use my ice harpoon I fashioned from the sculling ore handle. I’m rich with ice again. Press on. I’m not alone out here. Crossed courses with the Sailing Vessel ARGO V sailing for Nain from Greenland.

There is one more tickle I must transit. My trip to Labrador could not be complete lest I sail through …THE MUGFORD TICKLE! It’s just up ahead and it gets me around Cape Mugford. I’ll let ya know how it is.